Huvud : Bläddra : GIS Files
GIS Files
The GIS (Geographic Information Systems) category includes files related to GPS devices and mapping software. These files may contain maps, saved routes, and waypoints. Many GIS files are saved in open formats, which can be transferred between GPS devices and computer systems.
Filförlängning | Filtyp |
.KMZ | Google Earth Placemark File |
.CSF | GeoMedia Coordinate System File |
.PMF | ESRI Published Map File |
.MPK | ArcGIS Map Package |
.MXT | ArcGIS Map Template |
.NMF | ArcGIS Explorer Map File |
.KML | Keyhole Markup Language File |
.DT1 | DTED Level 1 File |
.DT0 | DTED Level 0 File |
.3DD | ArcGlobe Document |
.MXD | ArcGIS Map Document |
.HGT | SRTM Elevation Data File |
.LPK | ArcGIS Layer Package |
.NMC | ArcGIS Explorer Map Content File |
.FFS | FME Desktop Feature Store File |
.FMW | FME Workbench File |
.SDF | Spatial Data Format File |
.DT2 | DTED Level 2 File |
.SXD | ArcScene Document |
.MSD | Map Service Definition File |
.MDC | Merkaartor Document |
.FME | FME Mapping File |
.FMV | FME Desktop Viewspace File |
.FDS | FME Custom Format File |
.SSF | Trimble Standard Storage Format File |
.SBN | ESRI Spatial Binary File |
.JGW | JPEG World File |
.BIL | ESRI BIL File |
.DEM | Digital Elevation Model |
.AVL | ArcView Legend File |
.AUX | Auxiliary File |
.SDW | MrSID World File |
.PIX | PCI Geomatics Database File |
.JPW | World File for JPEG |
.LEN | IMAGINE Lens Flare File |
.SGY | SEG-Y Data File |
.SEGY | SEG-Y Data File |
.WOR | MapInfo Workspace File |
.TFW | World File for TIFF |
.VDC | IDRISI Vector Documentation File |
.RDC | IDRISI Raster Documentation File |
.VCT | IDRISI Vector Image |
.OCD | OCAD Map File |
.GVSP | Geocortex Viewer for Silverlight Project |
.TIMESTAMP | Geodatabase Timestamp File |
.TFRD | Tape Image Format Requirements Document |
.SLD | Styled Layer Descriptor File |
.REF | IDRISI Raster Image Reference File |
.TPX | DeLorme Topo Project File |
.TAB | MapInfo TAB File |
.WFD | Wayfinder Map File |
.SMM | Map Manager Schema File |
.RST | IDRISI Raster Image |
.RMP | Magellan Raster Map File |
.JPGW | JPEG World File |
.SBF | Septentrio Binary File |
.MMZ | MiraMon Compressed Map File |
.RGN | Garmin Regional Map File |
.TTKGP | TatukGIS Project File |
.DIX | DIVA-GIS Export File |
.SYM | TatukGIS Symbols File |
.SP3 | NGS SP3 File |
.NV2 | Navionics Chart File |
.NM2 | Navitel Map File |
.SHP | ESRI Shapefile |
.OSB | OpenStreetMap Binary Map File |
.OV2 | TomTom Points of Interest Database |
.EMBR | Spatial Geodatabase File |
.OSM | OpenStreetMap Map File |
.STT | Streets & Trips Map Template |
.MNH | Master Navigator Header File |
.DMT | DeLorme Transfer File |
.PTM | MapPoint Map File |
.SDM | Spatial Data Modeling Language File |
.MIF | MapInfo Interchange Format File |
.PIN | MNS Projection Information File |
.PTT | MapPoint Map Template |
.MGM | MGMaps File |
.MID | MapInfo Data File |
.NMAP | NaviComputer Map File |
.IMI | Magellan Map File |
.SMP | IDRISI Palette File |
.NM3 | Navitel 5 Map File |
.SBN | GT-31 Binary Data File |
.AQM | AlpineQuest Map File |
.RRD | Reduced Resolution Dataset File |
.HDR | ESRI BIL Header File |
.RDF | ArcGIS Report Document File |
.IMD | GIS Image Metadata File |
.IMG | Garmin Map File |
.USR | Lowrance GPS Data File |
.FBL | iGO Map File |
.GPS | Survey Pro Coordinate File |
.GPRX | Geoxa Project File |
.JPR | Fugawi Projection File |
.SAF | Street Atlas USA Map File |
.GSR | Golden Software Reference File |
.GSM | MapViewer Project File |
.FIT | Garmin Activity File |
.NGT | Noni GPSPlot Track File |
.GSR2 | Golden Software Reference File |
.BPW | Bitmap World File |
.TH | Therion Data File |
.STYLE | ArcGIS Style Manager File |
.VEC | IDRISI Vector File |
.CUB | ISIS Cube File |
.DLG | Digital Line Graph |
.CVI | CassiniVision Map Image File |
.FLS | ArcView GIS Windows Help Supporting File |
.CML | OGC Web Map Context Document |
.FMI | FME Include File |
.WLX | MapSource Web Link File |
.DMF | Geosystem Digitals Map File |
.MMM | MiraMon Maps File |
.GST | MapInfo Geoset File |
.GTM | GPS TrackMaker Data File |
.MAP | Mapjects Server Webparts File |
.MAP | NAVIGON Map File |
.ETA | Google Earth Placemark File |
.COR | Trimble Corrected SSF File |
.E00 | ArcInfo Coverage Export File |
.GFW | GIF World File |
.SVX | Survex Cavern Data File |
.GMAP | Garmin Map File |
.APR | ArcView Project File |
.ERS | ER Mapper Data File |
.GSB | Golden Software Boundary File |
.GMF | Geology Multi-File |
.EST | Streets & Trips Map File |
.AT5 | Lowrance Map File |
.GWS | Geosoft Workspace File |
.MWX | MapGuide Author Map Window XML File |
.XOL | Swiss Map Overlay |
.GPF | Geosoft Project File |
.PRM | Route 66 Map File |
.WLD | ESRI World File |
.3DL | iGO Landmark File |
.DVC | IDRISI Vector Definition File |
.3DC | iGO 3D Building File |
.GRB | GRIB Meteorological Data File |
.3D | Survex 3D Cavern File |
.AXT | Microsoft AutoRoute Template |
.AXE | AutoRoute Map File |
.ATX | ArcGIS Attribute Index File |
.JNX | BirdsEye JNX Raster Map |
.ADF | ESRI ArcInfo Binary Grid Format |
.477 | MNS Shape Definition Companion File |
.OSC | OpenStreetMap Change File |
.GPX | GPS Exchange File |
.GSI | Golden Software Interchange File |
.GML | Geography Markup Language File |
.GLB | STK Globe File |
.APL | ArcPad Layer File |
.DIV | DIVA-GIS Project File |
.MPS | Pocket Streets Map File |
.BT | Binary Terrain File |
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GIS Files
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Data filer