Huvud : Bläddra : X Filförlängningar
X Filförlängningar
Filförlängning | Filtyp |
.X | Lex Source Code File |
.X32 | Adobe Xtra File |
.X3D | Xara3D Project |
.X3F | SIGMA X3F Camera RAW File |
.X3G | 3D Print File |
.X4K | XML4King Configuration File |
.X64 | Commodore 64 Disk Image |
.X86 | Linux Executable File |
.XA | GEAR CD/DVD Disc Image |
.XADD | Expression Web Add-in |
.XAF | Cal3D XML Animation File |
.XAIML | XAIML Chatterbot Database File |
.XAML | XAML File |
.XAMLX | Visual Studio Workflow Service File |
.XAN | Worms Map File |
.XAP | XACT Project |
.XAPK | Compressed Android Package File |
.XAPPL | Spoon XML Application Configuration File |
.XAR | Extensible Archive Format File |
.XAS | Pro/ENGINEER Assembly Instance Accelerator File |
.X_B | Parasolid Model Part File |
.XBA | Basic Module File |
.XBAP | XAML Browser Application File |
.XBC | SMART Notebook File |
.XBD | DocuWorks Binder File |
.XBDOC | Xiosis Scribe Document |
.XBE | Xbox Executable File |
.XBEL | XBEL Bookmarks File |
.XBF | XAML Binary File |
.XBK | SMART Notebook File |
.XBL | Extensible Binding Language File |
.XBM | X11 Bitmap Graphic |
.XBMML | Braille Music Markup Language File |
.XBPLATE | Xiosis Scribe Template |
.XBRL | XBRL Document |
.XBSAV | Mass Effect 2 Xbox Saved Game |
.XBT | SMART Notebook Template File |
.XCAPPDATA | Xcode App Data File |
.XCARCHIVE | Xcode Archive |
.XCCOLORTHEME | Xcode Color Theme File |
.XCCONFIG | Xcode Configuration Settings File |
.XCCRASHPOINT | Xcode Crash Point File |
.XCDATAMODEL | Xcode Core Data Model File |
.XCDATAMODELD | Xcode Core Data Model File |
.XCF | GIMP Image File |
.XCODE | Xcode Project |
.XCODEPLUGIN | Xcode Plug-in |
.XCODEPROJ | Xcode Project |
.XCPLUGIN | Xcode Plug-in |
.XCPLUGINDATA | Xcode Plug-in Data File |
.XCSCHEME | Xcode Scheme File |
.XCSL | CineStyle Color Correction File |
.XCSNAPSHOTS | Xcode Snapshot |
.XCT | XVI32 Character Conversion Table File |
.XCU | Configuration File |
.XCWORKSPACE | Xcode Workspace File |
.XDB | PowerDesigner Database Definition File |
.XDI | WinArchiver Extended Disc Image File |
.XDL | Oracle Expert Definition Language File |
.XDNA | DNA Strider Sequence File |
.XDP | XML Data Package |
.XDR | XML-Data Reduced File |
.XDS | DS Game Maker Project File |
.XDW | Fuji Xerox DocuWorks File |
.XEF | WinAce Encrypted File |
.XEJ | Expression Encoder Job File |
.XEL | Expression Encoder Live Encoding File |
.XEM | eManager Metered Units |
.XEN | Guitar Hero III Data File |
.XENSEARCH | XenCenter Saved Search File |
.XEP | eManager File Packaging Information |
.XER | Primavera P6 Project File |
.XES | eManager Skins Definition |
.XESC | Expression Encoder Screen Capture File |
.XET | eManager Process Definition |
.XEV | eManager Auto-Update File |
.XEX | Xbox 360 Executable File |
.XEZ | eManager Template Package |
.XFB | Xserve RAID Firmware Binary File |
.XFD | XFD File |
.XFDF | Adobe Acrobat XFDF File |
.XFDL | XFDL File |
.XFL | Animate Movie Archive |
.XFLOW | FlowExchange Data File |
.XFN | Ventura Printer Font |
.XFO | XSL-FO Formatted Form |
.XFR | iProcess Process Definition File |
.XFS | eRacer Sound File |
.XFT | Adobe Form Designer 5.0 File |
.XGDW | GDevelop Extension File |
.XGML | Graph Modeling Language XML File |
.XGMML | XGMML Graph File |
.XGP | Xfire Game Patcher File |
.XGS | XACT Global Settings File |
.XHT | XHTML File |
.XHTM | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Document |
.XHTML | Extensible Hypertext Markup Language File |
.XI | Fasttracker 2 Extended Instrument File |
.XIB | Interface Builder File |
.XIF | ScanSoft Pagis File |
.XIP | macOS Signed Archive |
.XISE | Xilinx ISE Project File |
.XL | Excel Spreadsheet |
.XLA | Excel Add-In File |
.XLAM | Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Add-In |
.XLB | Module Information File |
.XLC | Excel Chart |
.XLD | Excel Database File |
.XLE | Levelogger Software XML Data File |
.XLF | XLIFF Document |
.XLGC | ExpressK Database File |
.XLIFF | XLIFF Localization File |
.XLK | Excel Backup File |
.XLL | Excel Add-In File |
.XLM | Excel Macro |
.XLMV | Xunlei Movie File |
.XLNK | XML Shortcut File |
.XLR | Works Spreadsheet |
.XLS | Excel Spreadsheet |
.XLSB | Excel Binary Spreadsheet |
.XLSHTML | Microsoft Excel HTML Spreadsheet |
.XLSM | Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet |
.XLSMHTML | Microsoft Excel MIME HTML Spreadsheet |
.XLSX | Microsoft Excel Open XML Spreadsheet |
.XLT | Excel Template |
.XLTHTML | Microsoft Excel HTML Spreadsheet Template |
.XLTM | Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet Template |
.XLTX | Excel Open XML Spreadsheet Template |
.XLV | Excel Visual Basic Module |
.XLW | Excel Workspace File |
.XM | Fasttracker 2 Extended Module |
.XMAP | XMind 2007/2008 Workbook |
.XMB | X-Wing Mission Briefing File |
.XMCD | Mathcad Worksheet File |
.XMCDZ | Mathcad Compressed Worksheet File |
.XMCT | Mathcad XML Worksheet Template |
.XMD | Bitdefender Plugin File |
.XMDX | ExamSoft Answer File |
.XMF | Cal3D XML Mesh File |
.XMI | XML Metadata Interchange File |
.XMIND | XMind Workbook File |
.XML | Cinelerra Video Project |
.XMLFF | XML Flat File |
.XMLPER | LeCroy Binary Waveform File |
.XMM | 3ds Max XML Animation Map File |
.XMMAP | MindManager XML Map File |
.XMP | XMind Markers Package |
.XMPZ | Miradi XML Project File |
.XMS | XMS-Tracker Music Module |
.XMT | XMind Template |
.XMU | Expressive Music Container File |
.XMV | Xbox Media Video File |
.XMWX | ExamSoft Working File |
.XMZ | FastTracker 2 Extended Module |
.XMZX | ExamSoft Exam File |
.XNB | XNA Game Studio Binary Package |
.XNK | Exchange Shortcut |
.XNT | QuarkXPress Extension File |
.XOF | Reality Lab 3D Image File |
.XOJO_BINARY_MENU | Xojo Binary Menu File |
.XOJO_BINARY_PROJECT | Xojo Binary Project File |
.XOJO_BINARY_TOOLBAR | Xojo Binary Toolbar File |
.XOJO_BINARY_WINDOW | Xojo Binary Window File |
.XOJO_MENU | Xojo Menu File |
.XOJO_PROJECT | Xojo Project File |
.XOJO_TOOLBAR | Xojo Toolbar File |
.XOJO_WINDOW | Xojo Window File |
.XOJO_XML_MENU | Xojo XML Menu File |
.XOJO_XML_PROJECT | Xojo XML Project File |
.XOJO_XML_TOOLBAR | Xojo Toolbar File |
.XOL | PowerDesigner Object Language File |
.XOM | Worms 3D Object File |
.XOML | Windows Workflow File |
.XP | Fastracker 2 Pattern |
.XP2 | XPilot NG |
.XP3 | KiriKiri Package File |
.XP4 | KiriKiri Package |
.XPADDERCONTROLLER | Xpadder Controller Profile |
.XPD | PlayStation Store PSP License File |
.XPDL | XPDL Module |
.XPF | LMMS Preset File |
.XPG | Autoplay Media Studio Exported Page |
.XPI | Cross-platform Installer Package |
.XPJ | Micro Planner X-Pert Project File |
.XPK | WWE RAW Model File |
.XPL | LcdStudio Playlist File |
.XPLL | Pull-Planner Data File |
.XPM | Micro Planner Manager File |
.XPP | X++ Source Code File |
.XPR | SyncRO Soft oXygen XML Editor Project |
.XPS | XML Paper Specification File |
.XPT | SAS Transport File |
.XQ | XQuery File |
.XQL | XML Query Language File |
.XQM | XQuery Module |
.XQT | SuperCalc Macro File |
.XQUERY | XQuery Source Code File |
.XQY | XQuery Source File |
.XRB | XMind Resource Bundle |
.XRDML | XRDML Data File |
.XRF | Cal3D XML Materials File |
.XRFF | Extensible Attribute-Relation File Format |
.XRM-MS | Microsoft Security Certificate |
.XRNS | Renoise Song File |
.XRP | RationalPlan Project File |
.XRY | XRY Data File |
.XS | Age of Empires 3 Map AI Generator |
.XSB | XACT Sound Bank |
.XSC | Visual Studio Dataset Internal Info File |
.XSD | XML Schema Definition |
.XSF | InfoPath Form Definition File |
.XSI | Softimage XSI 3D Image |
.XSIADDON | Softimage Add-on File |
.XSL | XML Style Sheet |
.XSLIC | XenServer License File |
.XSLT | XSL Transformation File |
.XSN | InfoPath Form Template File |
.XSP | Kodi Smart Playlist File |
.XSPF | XSPF Playlist File |
.XSS | XML Style Sheet |
.XST | WebSphere Query Template |
.XSVF | Xilinx Serial Vector Format File |
.XSX | Visual Studio XML Schema Layout File |
.XT | Xdebug Trace File |
.X_T | Parasolid Model Part File |
.XTBL | XTBL Ransomware Encrypted File |
.XTG | Extensible TreeGraph File |
.XTL | Vietcong Data File |
.XTM | CmapTools Exported Topic Map |
.XTODVD | ConvertXtoDVD Project File |
.XTP | InfoPath Template Part File |
.XTREME | Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack |
.XUI | Xbox 360 User Interface File |
.XUL | XML User Interface Language File |
.XUM | Excel Unit Operation Model File |
.XUR | Xbox 360 Binary User Interface File |
.XV0 | Lattice XVL Structure File |
.XV3 | Lattice XVL Geometry File |
.XVA | XenServer Virtual Appliance File |
.XVCT | VISE XML Project File |
.XVD | Xbox Virtual Disk |
.XVID | Xvid-Encoded Video File |
.XVM | VMware Console Configuration File |
.XVMCONF | World of Tanks XVM Configuration File |
.XWB | XACT Wave Bank |
.XWD | X Windows Dump Image |
.XWF | OmniPage Workflow File |
.XWK | Crosstalk Communicator Keyboard Mapping File |
.XWP | Crosstalk Session File |
.XWS | Xara Web Designer Graphic |
.XX | XXEncoded File |
.XXD | Brixx Planner Calendar |
.XXE | XXEncoded File |
.XXX | Compucon Singer Embroidery File |
.XY | XYWrite Document |
.XY3 | XYWrite III Document |
.XYP | XYWrite Plus Document |
.XYS | XYplorer Script File |
.XYW | XYWrite for Windows Document |
.XYZ | Celestia Sampled Trajectory Data File |
.XYZV | Celestia Sampled Trajectory File |
.XZ | XZ Compressed Archive |
.XZFX | ZipLogix ZipForm File |
.XZM | Porteus Module |